(Looking for Adult learn to row courses?  Check our dedicated page)

We will be running courses for Juniors aged 13- 17 during the Summer Holidays this year

For those with previous sculling experience

We are scheduling 3 courses for those who have some previous sculling experience, in order to further develop their skills, on the following dates:

Monday 21 - Friday 25 July 09.00 - 12.30

Monday 4 - Friday 8 August 09.00 - 12.30

Monday 4 - Friday 8 August 13.30 - 17.00

The cost of each of these courses is £270 please see below for booking and payment instructions.

Further information will be sent approximately a month prior to the commencement of the course.

Any questions please contact the Junior Vice Captain - junior-vc@readingrc.com.

For those with no previous experience

We are able to offer the following learn to row courses for those with no previous rowing experience subject to demand:

Monday 14 – Friday 18 July 2025 - 09.00 – 12.30

Monday 14 - Friday 18 July 2025 - 13.30 – 17.00

Monday 28 July - Friday 1 August 2025 - 09.00 – 12.30

Monday 28 July– Friday 1 August 2025 - 13.30 – 17.00 

Monday 11 August - Friday 15 August 2025 - 09.00 – 12.30

Monday 11 August – Friday 15 August 2025 - 13.30 – 17.00 

The cost of each of these courses is £270 please see below for booking and payment instructions.

Course duration

We have found that the optimum course duration are half day courses held over 5 days and providing a total of 10 sessions, 2 each day. There will be a structured programme including both land and water training with the aim of teaching those attending the basic skills of rowing/sculling. The main focus will be on water based activity and give  participants the opportunity to learn in both crew boats and single boats. There will be a maximum of 12 participants on each course.

Ideally prior to the course participants should complete a swim/capsize test. If we are able to arrange this prior to the course we will provide details nearer the time.


Each course will be run by the Junior Head Coach, who is a qualified British Rowing level 2 coach. He will be supported by two other coaches on each course, who were previously members of the Junior squad at RRC and rowed at a high level. This provides a coaching ratio of one coach to four participants. All coaches have been DBS checked and have undergone the appropriate safeguarding training. The coaches will also be supported by current members of the Junior squad.

Bookings, Payments and Deposits

The cost of each of these courses is £270 which you can book via a system called “Joinin” via this link Joinin

Please pick one of the available course dates (via the Junior Courses button) and add to basket.

Proceed to checkout where you will need to create an account to complete your booking. Please note that the system will send you an email to confirm your email address which you will need to do before your account is active.

The account should be in the name of an adult - while the individual course booking should be in the name of the child. The system will allow one adult to book courses or memberships for more than one member of a family.

The system will gather all information required.

Please ensure you read the consents careful, particularly the medical one. If in doubt please disclose any medical conditions, medications and disabilities - the information is stored securely and will only be available to the coaches to help ensure athlete safety.

If you book before 1 June then a deposit of £50 is payable on booking. This is refundable up to four weeks before the course commences. If cancelled within four weeks of the course date it is not refundable. 

Final payment of £220 will be collected prior to the course.  For courses starting in July this will be collected on 1 June and for courses starting in August this be collected on 1 July.

For courses booked after 1 June then full payment will be due at the time of booking.

The cost of the courses includes the cost of the swim/capsize test. Please note that participants will need to provide their own food and drink during the courses.

Joining the Junior squad at RRC

On successful completion of the learn to row course participants may be offered the opportunity to join the RRC Junior squad, this would normally be in September. It should be noted that we cannot guarantee a place for everyone as we currently have a large squad and are restricted in terms of both coaching and equipment resources.

For any questions please contact the Vice Captain of the Junior Squad.

1.    Reading Rowing Club ('the Club') junior courses are organised and run by its members and associates at the Club’s premises at The Boathouse, Thames Promenade, Richfield Avenue, Reading RG1 8BD.
2.    Athletes are enrolled on the junior courses regardless of their prior membership or association with the Club. However, each athlete will be required to complete a temporary membership application at the commencement of the course. Once enrolled, the Club Committee will admit the athlete as a temporary member of the Club for the duration of the course attended.
3.    The five half day courses run either 09.00 - 13.30 or 13.30 - 17.00 each day and the four day courses run 09.00 - 15.00 each day. No accommodation or food is included in the course fee. Attendees are responsible for bringing sufficient and appropriate food and drink for the level of activity each day. Those attending will not be able to visit shops during the day and are required to remain in the environs of RRC clubhouse.
4.    All athletes are required to complete and sign the course application and consent form at the time of their application. Parents or guardians of junior athletes (aged 13 to 17) are also required to agree and sign the application and consent form before the applications of juniors can be processed.
5.    All enrollment is at the absolute discretion of the Course Organiser. Participation in the course remains at the absolute discretion of the Course Organiser.
6.    The Club provides all necessary equipment for training on and off the water, but athletes are welcome to bring their own sculling boats and blades to use on the course.
7.    Reading Rowing Club retains responsibility for safety. Safety and navigation are covered in talks whenever appropriate throughout the course. Athletes should, at all times, adhere to the safety instructions given by the coaching team.
8.    The course involves river outings in a variety of sculling and rowing boats. In the course of training, it is fairly common that athletes fall in the water. Athletes are asked to confirm that they can swim a minimum of 50 metres unaided on both front and back, in light clothing, tread water for 5 minutes and swim under water for at least 5 metres. 
9.    In view of item 8 above, athletes intending to take part in a course are expected to attend a swim and capsize test on a Saturday in July at Queen Anne’s School. If an athlete fails this test, they will not be allowed to attend the course and any reimbursement will be at the discretion of the Course Organiser and subject to the place being filled by someone on the waiting list prior to the commencement of the course. No capsize drill will be carried out during the course, but the principles of such drills are covered in the course safety briefings. Attendance on the course without having demonstrated competency is only at the discretion of the Course Organiser and requires both the Athlete and Parent/Guardian to sign to confirm competency of swimming ability. The athlete will be asked to wear a buoyancy aid when on the water where swimming competency has not been demonstrated to the Course Organiser’s representative prior to the start of the course.
10.    Athletes are reminded to bring at least three changes of clothes each day together with a towel.  
11.    Buoyancy aids will generally be provided by the club.
12.    If an Athlete is not dressed appropriately for the weather and conditions, the Coach or Course Organiser can refuse the athlete to take part in an activity and if necessary request the parent or guardian to collect the Athlete from the club at any time during the day. The Athlete should ensure they bring with them each day the suggested items on the kit list provided.
13.    Once on the river, coaching instructions are shouted or delivered through a megaphone. This is common, and often necessary for audibility, as the distance between boats can be large. 
14.    Athletes may be filmed so that technique and performance can be analysed. 
15.    The objective of the courses is to coach sculling. While the Club retains responsibility for safety during coached sessions, it does not take responsibility for athletes' welfare or conduct when off the water between these sessions. 
16.    A Club officer will be responsible for the welfare of juniors on the course.
17.    The Club's ability to cater for special needs is limited, but it is able to accommodate some minor special needs. For further information, please contact the Course Organiser. 
18.    The course is booked on a first-come, first-served basis, on receipt of a completed application form and full payment. At the Course Organiser's absolute discretion, a provisional booking may be made while awaiting the receipt of payment. 
19.    Declaration of athletes' height, weight, date of birth and rowing experience are necessary for the Course Organiser and/or Coach to allocate equipment and place participants in an appropriate coaching group.
20.    In the case of force majeure, if in the unlikely event of the Club being unable to run the course or any substantial part thereof, an appropriate refund of fees will be made. 
21.    The Club deploys substantial personnel and equipment resources to run courses. Consequently, cancellations are accepted at the Course Organiser’s absolute discretion. Refunds will only be made at the Course Organiser’s absolute discretion and will be in line with the cancellation policy. Generally:
a. Cancellations are accepted up to two weeks before the commencement of the Course.  
b. A late cancellation (received less than two weeks prior to the course) is only accepted if the place vacated can be filled in good time prior to the course’s commencement.
c. No refund is made if an athlete withdraws after the course has commenced.
22.    The club reserves the right to cancel the course at any point, and will endeavour to provide the maximum notice possible.